Saturday, 20 July 2013

Dibelasah Sehingga Mati Kerana Menjadi Muslim Di Amerika ("Go back to your country you terrorist!")



Economic, social and cultural rights for all


French Muslims PROTECT their Females from Aggressive Secularist Forces

In the latest in a series of attacks on Muslim women in France, approximately 60 righteous men and women sought to defend a Muslim female victim from an aggressive police attack in Paris on Wednesday night. The incident happened in Argenteuil, a suburb in the north-west of the capital city, after aggressive secularist police attempted to arrest a Muslim woman for wearing a veil.
In this case, as aggressive secularist police approached the unidentified Muslim woman in a manner clearly unacceptable in Islam, members of the public became involved seeking to protect the woman from the dishonour the aggressive secularists were subjecting the poor woman to and, according to the Mail Online, the situation turned riot-like. Authorities were forced to use tear gas, according to police sources.
Le Parisien was told: “The police were attacked. They were insulted and beaten, including punches”.
We have said it before, we say it again – if those charged with protecting us are unable or unwilling to do so, we cannot and will not be blamed for protecting ourselves. Ireland should take note, we will not allow the secularization of our religion or culture.

Blaming the Muslim victims in France

Interior Minister Manuel Valls
FRANCE'S INTERIOR Minister Manuel Valls, a leading member of the Socialist Party, has announced a blanket ban on all street protests against racist anti-Muslim cartoons published last week by the magazineCharlie Hebdo.
Speaking at a September 21 news conference in the Mediterranean port of Marseille--France's second largest city, known for its large immigrant population and proximity to bases of support for the fascist National Front, a leading source of vile Islamophobic rhetoric--Valls made it clear that attempts to violate the ban would be met with force: "Demonstrations will be banned and broken up," he told reporters.
To intimidate any would-be violators, riot police were deployed over the weekend in big cities like Paris, where they detained several dozen people over two days, according to reports. Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada cited French news reports reporting that some of the detained were Muslim women who were "guilty" of nothing more than wearing headscarves.
French officials justified the ban as necessary to prevent unrest in the aftermath of worldwide demonstrations against the U.S.-made, anti-Islam propaganda film The Innocence of Muslims. Those demonstrations mainly targeted U.S. embassy buildings and other symbols of Western power in countries with large Muslim populations.
In Paris, officials refused to grant a legal permit for any such protests--nevertheless, 150 people were arrested on September 15 when they gathered for a small nonviolent protest near the U.S. embassy. The next day, Valls denounced the unauthorized protest as an "incitement to hatred," and the public prosecutor's office said it was launching an investigation.
In response to these events, Charlie Hebdo--a self-described "left-wing" satirical magazine--published an issue with a cover that mocked the Prophet Mohammed. The magazine's publishers framed their action as a statement challenging what they consider to be religious irrationality and assaults on free speech.
Thus, contrary to Valls' claims, it is Charlie Hebdo, and not the Muslims the magazine sought to provoke, that is guilty of "incitement to hatred." Emphasizing the racism that underlay the decision to print the cartoons, one editor declared: "We're a newspaper that respects French law. Now, if there's a law that is different in Kabul or Riyadh, we're not going to bother ourselves with respecting it."
This isn't the first time that Charlie Hebdo has tried to antagonize Muslims by publishing racist material. In 2006, it reprinted a series of bigoted cartoons that had appeared the previous year in a Danish newspaper, including such artful assertions of liberal values as a depiction of the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bomb in his turban.
Last fall, the magazine faced a furious backlash, including an attack on its offices, when it published an issue that had cover art mocking the Prophet and a subtitle reading "Sharia Hebdo," in reference to Islamic legal principles.
Source : socialistworker

Black and Muslim workers "banned" during Israeli President's visit to France

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Gay New Mexico Teen Commits Suicide After Reportedly Being Bullied By Classmates


A gay New Mexico teen reportedly commit suicide after being subjected to intense bullying from his classmates.
Seventeen-year-old Carlos Vigil posted a note to Twitter before he decided to take his own life. Segments of that note have been cited by the Latin Post, the Daily Mail and Queerty, among other media outlets.
The New York Daily News reports that Vigil, who would have been a senior at Albuquerque's Valley High School this fall, was taken off of life support at the University of New Mexico Hospital on July 16.
Meanwhile, Carlos' mother Jacqueline Vigil told local news channel KRQE 13 that her son had been bullied since he was at least 8 years old.
“He had this lunchbox, a smiley face lunchbox, and people thought it was the funniest lunchbox ever, and they made fun of him for it,” Jacqueline is quoted as saying. “They grabbed it on the school bus and just threw it on the floor and broke it. It's just little things like that.”
Carlos' father Ray Vigil echoed those sentiments to NBC affiliate KOB-TV, noting, "We found out three years ago that he was going through this stuff and we've been trying to help him every day since. We realize he's been going through it every day since he was in the third grade, that's a long time for a child to hold that within himself."

source : huffingtonpost

'The Language Of Love': Kim Ho, 17-Year-Old, Creates Amazing Video About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend (VIDEO)

If you watch one thing today, let it be this beautiful, teen-written short film.
The project started when a high schooler from Australia named Kim Ho wrote a monologue about a character who falls in love with his male best friend. Ho entered it into a contest sponsored by Fresh Ink, a program for young Australian playwrights, and it was then turned into a video on YouTube called "The Language of Love." Ho also stars in the videovideo
Watch "The Language of Love" in the video above.
The film, which was uploaded onto YouTube in April, follows the story of a teen named Charlie, who struggles to complete an exam assignment that asks him to write a letter to his best friend in French.
Charlie walks the audience through his inner-struggle as he tries to make sense of his romantic feelings for his best friend. He isn't sure if the friend reciprocates those feelings, and worries about being teased and taunted by his classmates.
"I googled how to tell a guy you like him, but all the results were about how much make-up to use," Charlie explains.
Despite his fears and the homophobia he is surrounded by, Charlie's ultimate conclusion about love is heartwarming and incredibly poignant.
"You always hear people say it's weird and just not normal, but isn't that the point of love?" he asks. "To transcend normalness and become something special?"
Watch "The Language of Love" in the video above and click here to take a look at some behind-the-scenes moments. 

source : huffingtonpost

Wednesday, 17 July 2013




Warga tua teras masyarakat hidup lama
Penuh jasa setia pada negara
Didik anak dan cucu
Ke arah matlamat kita
Lama sudah kau hidup teruji
Penuh ranjau dan rintangan
untuk kemerdekaan
Kitalah pewarisnya
Di dalam negara bertuah
Korban jiwa untuk keluarga
Masyarakat dan juga nusa
Bagai obor dan pelita
Berkhidmat, berbakti, berjuang
Di mana jua berada
Wahai anak bunga bangsaku
Hargailah jasa ibumu
Patuhilah pesan ayah
Titah kasihnya di junjung
Di mana jua berada….
Lagu ini menceritakan tentang jasa dan pengorbanan warga tua di saat zaman muda mereka serta kepentingan mereka di saat usia emas mereka. Lagu ini mendidik kita supaya memberikan kasih sayang kepada warga tua dan menghormati mereka sebagai orang yang lebih berusia dan berpengalaman di dalam hidup. Selain itu lagu ini turut menekankan tentang betapa besar jasa dan pengorbanan warga tua kini dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan pada zaman dahulu. Kita tidak seharusnya melupakan keperitan dan usaha gigih mereka sehingga kita dapat mengecapi kemewahan dan kesejahteraan hidup seperti sekarang. Lagu ini juga memberitahu kita bahawa tanpa warga tua mustahil untuk kita mengecapi segala nikmat dan hidup aman damai. Warga tua simbol kepada kehidupan kita pada hari ini. Jadi kita sebagai pewaris kepada mereka perlu menghormati dan menyayangi mereka tanpa rasa prejudis di dalam hati. Warga tua mempunyai hak berkasih sayang sama seperti kita.



Iklan Penderaan Domestic Yang Kreatif~


Channel 4 di United Kingdom mengudarakan seruan azan solat subuh setiap hari sepanjang Ramadan buat pertama kalinya tahun ini. Seruan azan oleh rancangan TV ini mendapat sambutan baik dari masyarakat Islam tetapi menjadi sumber butthurt kepada golongan lain yang mengatakan tidak sesuai laungan azan dimainkan di sebuah negara liberal seperti UK. Beberapa bantahan dibuat dan terdapat gerakan memboikot Channel 4. Bantahan juga dilakukan sebilangan penganut Islam kerana tidak setuju azan dilaungkan pada saluran TV yang juga menyiarkan rancangan-rancangan yang tidak Syariah compliant.  Inilah video yang dimainkan setiap subuh. Bagi waktu solat yang lain Channel 4 ada membuka mini site khas yang akan melaungkan azan untuk setiap waktu solat. 

Apa pendapat anda? 

Sumber : blogserius

Thursday, 11 July 2013

15 GRO termasuk seorang 'PONDAN' ditahan Imigresen Melaka

MELAKA: Lima belas warga Thailand termasuk seorang 'pondan' dipercayai pelayan pelanggan (GRO) adalah antara 21 warga asing yang ditahan Jabatan Imigresen Melaka dalam operasi di sekitar Melaka, semalam.
Pengarahnya, Kamalludin Ismail, berkata wanita dan 'pondan' yang berusia lingkungan 18 hingga 36 tahun itu ditahan di sebuah pusat hiburan di Taman Merdeka Permai di sini ketika sedang melayan pelanggan di dalam beberapa bilik berasingan.
Beliau berkata, serbuan yang membabitkan 17 pegawai dan anggota dalam operasi dari 6 petang hingga 12 tengah malam itu adalah yang kedua di premis berkenaan pada tahun ini.
"Ketika serbuan, tiga daripada mereka cuba melarikan diri melalui pintu belakang, namun dapat dihalang oleh anggota penguatkuasa," katanya kepada pemberita, di sini, hari ini.

Beliau berkata, kesemua mereka ditahan kerana disyaki melanggar syarat pas, permit atau pas sempadan dan menggunakan pas lawatan sosial untuk melakukan aktiviti tidak bermoral.

Sementara itu, dua wanita pekerja kilang dari Indonesia yang sedang asyik menyanyi di sebuah pusat karaoke di Plaza Mahkota di sini turut ditahan pihak imigresen.

Kamalludin berkata, pihaknya juga menahan tiga lelaki Indonesia dan seorang lelaki Bangladesh di sebuah rumah dan kedai sekitar Melaka Raya di sini atas kesalahan masuk dan tinggal tanpa permit yang sah dan permit tamat tempoh atau dibatalkan.
Katanya, kesemua yang ditahan dibawa ke Depoh Tahanan Machap Umboo, Alor Gajah untuk tindakan lanjut. - BERNAMA




Buka mata dan lihatlah
Insan kecil yang tak berdosa
Jadi mainan dan hinaan semua
Manusia yang tiada berpedoman

Apakah salah mereka
Menjadi mangsa yang terbiar
Dia diseksa tanpa rasa simpati
Hanya melihat darah merah mengalir ke bumi...

Sengsara kan terasa...
Di sepanjang hayatnya...
Tangisan tak bersuara
Insan yang sekecil tu... Merasa
Peritnya derita....
Ditanggung jua...

Mengapa dia disiksa
Hingga lesu tak bermaya
Haruskah kita menyaksikan
Penderitaan pada mereka

Apa nasib mereka jika ini masih terjadi
Kita sama sama membantu
Melindungi hidup mereka..

Mereka perlukan perhatian
Bukan penyiksaan yang diminta
Berikan kasih dan belaian mesramu
Moga diberi petunjuk dan hidayah yang sejati...


Lagu ini menceritakan bagaimana hak kebebasan dan keselamatan kanak-kanak dicabuli oleh orang dewasa dengan penderaan yang menyebabkan kecederaan fizikal yang serius.

Perkara ini melanggar fitrah hak asasi manusia dan mencemar rasa hormat kepada orang dewasa yang boleh berfikir dan matang yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab melindungi dan memberi kasih sayang kepada kanak-kanak.

Kes penderaan ini bukan sahaja memberi kesan terhadap fizikal kanak-kanak malah impak negatif kepada mental dan emosi kanak-kanak yang boleh menyebabkan hilang kewarasan, fobia dan mungkin mengundang kepada gejala negatif berkaitan keganasan yang akan dilakukan semula oleh kanak-kanak sebagai membalas dendam.

Dalam lagu ini turut menyatakan bahawa kanak-kanak tidak ada dosa atau silap yang menyebabkan mereka diberi hukuman yang kejam. Kanak-kanak sepatutnya dididik dan diberi nasihat sekiranya melakukan kesalahan kerana mereka masih tidak dapat berfikir dengan matang dan masih dalam proses pembelajaran dalam mengenali diri sendiri. Kanak-kanak juga tidak mempunyai daya dan kudrat yang tinggi untuk melindungi dirinya sendiri. Jadi orang dewasa tidak sepatutnya mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan kanak-kanak demi kepuasan diri sendiri.

Kes penderaan terhadap kanak-kanak ini perlu dihentikan dan pesalah kes harus diberi hukuman berat sebagai pedoman kepada masyarakat agar tidak mengulangi perkara yang sama demi kepentingan kesejahteraan dan masa depan sejagat.